College Counseling for Emerging Adults

Confluence College Admissions Consulting offers independent consultation for high school students to help them develop a college list, prepare for campus interviews, write college essays, prepare applications, apply for scholarships and financial aid, and make final decisions about college. Through regular meetings with applicants and their families, consultant Jim Bishop ensures the process is as thorough as possible, and that their applications are as strong as they can be.


one-on-one coaching

targeted college admissions counseling

tailored and personal academic guidance

curriculum analysis and planning

assessment and goal setting

essay brainstorming, drafting and revision

comprehensive application review

interview preparation

expert advice on financial aid and scholarships

Why choose Confluence?


At Confluence we value thoroughness and being detail-oriented. Jim has earned a doctoral degree, helped to start up a school, and through-hiked several long-distance trails. He knows how to manage a long-term project and carry it to completion. Jim will help you set realistic goals and achieve them.


At Confluence we aim to shape students into lifelong learners who value curious engagement with the world. “I’ve spent most of my career as an educator, and I’d like to model for my clients how to take an enthusiastic, playful attitude toward a process that others may find drudgery.” — Jim


We want our clients to feel calm, confident, and cared for. If families are experiencing stress around the college admissions process, we want to help reduce that stress.


Jim takes the time to get to know his clients and attend carefully to their unique needs. He helps students find the college that is the right fit for them.